We want to be different. Inspirationally different.


Executive Search

This is the perfect solution if you have to fill a role which is a senior, strategic or confidential position in your Organisation. This approach is different. It is proactive and should involve a very detailed examination of the skills available in your sector, both in the UK and possibly internationally. It is important to remember that at some level, everyone wants to hear about a better opportunity!

Ironically, often the best senior talent rarely approaches the market – instead, the market must approach them. This is why contingent or traditional recruitment is often not the best solution. Additionally, instructing a Search gives both your organisation – and the opportunity – real gravitas. A Search being commissioned shows how serious the business are about finding the very best person they can –  not just the best of the limited bunch who may apply to an advert!

To find out more about Executive Search, contact Sarah McParland on 0141 530 4333.

Sarah McParland

Executive Search
Call Sarah: 01698 440334

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